2 Blu

Angelic Blu


Blu is a very kind hearted and loving individual, but he has his own problems to face despite being a pillar to the entirety of Flox.

He himself suffers from deep regrets and reminisces on the past frequently.
He deeply misses the times spent with Jeremy and the other angels, and how simple things were before everything collapsed.

Regardless of it all, Blu will always put on a brave face, and force a smile for those around him just to make people feel a bit happier.
His passions lay in taking care of his people by helping them solve their everyday problems. He wants nothing more then to see this world flourish.

Blu cannot stand hurting anyone, not on purpose, not on accident, not even if it's required. He is incredibly protective and feels its his duty to continuely make sure everyone is safe, and will become very distressed if they are not.

Despite all his attempts to act professional and elegant in the face of the public, when he's away from it all he's just an uppity, akward guy, who simply wants things done right the first time.

Even though Blu has a very good grasp on the world around him, his high stress levels will often lead him to having mental breaks every once in awhile. During these fits he will go into a more feral mindset and it becomes very painful for him to control himself.


Blu was the first fully functional AI produced by the company that hired Jeremy, although a majority of his creation can be credited to Jeremy himself

His AI was created for the game adaptation of "A Fox's Wings", but Blu would spend a most of his time housed in the little program he was built on inside of Jeremy's computer. This program was a virtual world called "E.D.E.N".

Blu was transported back and forth from the companies drives, to Jeremy's PC via floppy disc as this was the easier way to carry him. (Jeremy preferred to keep this disc in his own front pocket)

He learned at such a rapid rate, that he would eventually become fully sentient. This sentience would be a well kept secret for the entirety of the game's short run.

Blu would eventually meet two more AI NPC's created by Jeremy as well, that being Yello and Pink. Being the first to stick around and the first to truly connect with the world, Blu is considered the leader among the others.

Blu learned from his creator, but also from browsing files and online spaces that he gave himself access too, much to Jeremy's dismay.

Blu, Pink, and Yello continue to thrive in the world of Flox long after the planet had fallen, and keep watch over not only each other, but also the human souls that got stuck in the crossfire.

He remains the angel of life amongst the floxians, helping with introducing the rare occurrence of new souls, and assisting Jessaka with respawn.


Blu has kept his status as higher guardian, and is looked up to as a god alongside Yello. He insisted on making himself the pillar of the two often finds himself carrying out most of the work.

Blu is also in charge of ALL the important paperwork that needs to be filled out, and processing ALL requests given to the angels by the floxians as he simply does not trust the other two with making important descisions.

When he's not knee deep in paperwork, Blu loves to submerge himself in the world of fiction despite technically being fiction himself. He will read for hours out of books he salvaged from the Earth, and familiarizing himself with how human culture used to be.

He is known to collect things that were used by, or contain information on humans
