Jeremy Bunny (Canon Design) Nude rabbit boy

Jeremy - Human Form (Canon Design) A shy human in an orange outfit.

Jaxx (Canon Design) A jester rabbit in a colorful outfit.

Scraper (Canon Design) A blue deer.

Silky (Canon Design) A bunny moth hybrid.

Honeyfox (Canon Design) A bee fox hybrid.

Deena (Canon Design) A fluffy anthro anglerfish furry.

Munchy (Non-Canon Design) An anthro axolotl playing a game system.

Sailor (Canon Design) A canine shrimp hybrid in a life preserver.

Cecil (Non-Canon Design) A spotted skunk anthro.

Puppi (Non-Canon Design) A dog chewing the discord logo.

Puppi (Non-Canon Design) A refrence sheet for an anthro dog character, named puppi.

A refrence sheet for an anthro dog character, it says alt color.

Sock (Non-Canon Design) A fluffy patchwork anthro with a long tail.

Pon (Non-Canon Design) A fluffy patchwork anthro with a labcoat.

Feccty (Non-Canon Design) A fluffy anthro with large claws sitting down and sighing.

TenPin (Non-Canon Design) A fluffy anthro with large goggles and an arcade pattern in their hair.

Musket (Non-Canon Design) A grey wolf with a ponytail and an eyepatch.

Vanny (Canon Design) A purple spotted dog, he is wearing a butchers apron in the second image.

Vira (Non-Canon Design) A small creature with a party hat and long ears, it says 'U should install me Im very normal! T can be trusted inside ur pc!'

Digsby (Non-Canon Design) A sweaty mole girl.

Honey Taur Form (Non-Canon Design) A beefox with a taur body and a large knotted penis,laying on his side.

Beep Taur (Canon Design) A robot taur in a maid outfit with a serving platter, it says 'What can I get ya.

Honey and Bug (Canon Design) Two anthro bug characters sharing a dildo

Jeremy (Non-Canon Design) and Pink (Canon Design) A pink angel fox eating out a trans man

Zap (Non-Canon Design) A yellow lizard creature with a long tail thinking about eggs. It says '33 x33 x 33'

Jamie (Canon Design) A canine character showing his butt to the camera

Serpant (Non-Canon Design) A black and green serpant character, there is also a picture of the inside of his mouth.

Xander and Yin (Non-Canon Design) A small grey character getting eaten by a much larger grey/blue one, it says.'You'll be safe inside lil fella'

Igor (Canon Design) A  grey canine with a tube going in his mouth, and water spraying out his butt.

Pokkin and Phengo (Non-Canon Design)

Dorkly (Canon Design)

Igor (Canon Design)

Mia (Canon Design)

Jaxx (Canon Design)

Jamie (Non-Canon Design)

Human Email and Human Dustbin (Canon Design)

Human Jeremy (Canon Design)

Human Matty (Canon Design)

Ratsy (Canon Design)

Pon and Bellhop Plush Form (Canon Design)

Jaxx Puppet (Non-Canon Design)

Plushed Honey (Canon Design)

Jay and Rodger (Canon Design)